
Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm back..

And I thought this was gonna be easy but I'm almost never here..and I  want to put down my thoughts and sometimes frustrations, but I'm usually too tired to do it and will do so the next day and then week after week goes by.. I am with a few minutes to spare in the middle of the night before going back to sleep.
Note to myself: You don't get a good night's sleep on the couch with all the lights on... I just did it again. I've been so tired the last few weeks...falling asleep while trying to study and going to sleep early and waking up late, like I can't get enough sleep.

I wanted to write about dating but I think I have forgot most of my thoughts about that.
It hasn't been a lot of it lately since I have been focusing on other things instead, like school and studying.
You see....I met this really nice guy that I hit it off with and had a great time with him. We talked everything about and a lot in common. We went out to eat a few times, went out of the city for the day and he even made me delicious you will think: this sounds promising!
Hmmm...well.. until he started to send me so many SMS I thought I would triple my phone bill if I would only answer half of them!
Don't get me wrong I do like attention but if I can't catch my breath in between then it's way too much! I was getting SMS and Viber messages all day long and sometime 3 or more before I had  time to read them or even reply...and if I didn't answer I was asked why and if I was angry. I tried to explain that sometimes I'm busy with work, friends or sleeping, charging my phone, eating or not checking my phone every minute and more...and then I got "sorry" so many times I lost count and questions about what did I think of him and us and when were we gonna see each other again.
I have never met anyone like that, on the verge of being needy or desperate, not sure which one..
Men are usually the total opposite. It was way too much until the point I got really annoyed and didn't feel like meeting again.
I had to admit to him that I didn't like the constant "nagging" and even though I really enjoyed spending time with him I wasn't sure if it could go any further than friendship. Of course that wasn't what he wanted to heareand he said that we had to end it there....
I got a few quiet days until he started contacting me again promising me less text messages and a fresh start..
The story is that this have been about a month ago and I haven't seen this person since but he sure doesn't give up...and I'll see if I'll give him another chance to prove me wrong about him.

Most of us women want a man that's totally into you and has no problems showing it...BUT it can be too much, and I got to experience that...something that is more of a turnoff than flattering.
I got all the air kicked out of me with that one and needed a breather so no dating the last month.
Nowadays I'm busy with school so dating isn't a first priority but unless I wanna be single forever I better get back out there in the dating world...
On a second thought..I know the answer:
I should offer all my time and invest myself full hearted to Mr.Anatomy!!!
That's where my focus should be and not on men who are either needy, desperate, too arrogant, too young or too old, don't focus on personal hygiene, have only one thing in mind, got way too much baggage, have feelings for an ex-girlfriend or that can't put past relationships behind them and the list goes on.....ugh!
But don't give up hope, right? LOL


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