
Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday 15/09/14... Check out: for pics and postings in Norwegians

After a good night sleep and a nice breakfast outdoors we all got in the minivan and W (the driver, caretaker, chef, handyman, host ++++) were taking us to Home Affairs to get our visa situation taken care of....well, we thought we were going seemed like W, due to lack of communication ( I think? ) thought we were going to The Home of Good Hope, a soup kitchen in the poor part of Katutura and was trying to drop us off there. We protested saying we have passports and papers with us ready to deal with our no chance we were gonna budge from that plan!

So off to Home Affairs we went. A few trip back and forth to different counters, floors, people to talk to and lines to wait in we were told to come back on Wednesday afternoon to pick up our visas...hopefully..
After some bargain shopping and a stop at KFC, we went to buy SIM cards and cellphones...maybe then we could blend in with the More than 20 grocery bags later and 2 trips in Wayne's "little" car that couldn't fit 9 students and loads of groceries we made it back to the housein order to make dinner. One note for future cooking: have patience...the ovens here takes 3-4 times longer to bake/cook the food. Dinner then became a late night meal, what we Norwegians call "kveldsmat".
The highlight of the kitchen session was when one of the students said to W, in lack of an English word: Thank God you're such a good "kokk"! (meaning chef)...quite a statement that had a totally different meaning and gave us a good laugh :-)
After dinner We got to witness the craziest and brightest lightening was almost like fireworks. I captured some of it on camera before heading inside. The lighting and thunder became bigger and lounder and as I'm writing this the thunder was so lound and closeby, and it started raining...for the first time since March I was told. Now the rain, thunder and lightening stopped and it's time for me to get some zzzzzzz...
On the schedule for tomorrow is the soupkitchen!
Good night, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite !:-)

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